RT Composite Trim Head Screws

GRK's Trim™ Head screws are an excellent choice for most fine carpentry applic-tions, as well as window extension jambs and more. Our Trim™ Head screws have the smallest screw head available. With screw lengths from 1”1/4 (30 mm) to 5" (125 mm). Most material splitting is prevented because of the Trim™ Head screw’s exception-ally small head and the W-Cut thread design. Pre-drilling is only necessary if the building material's limitations require a pilot hole to be drilled, as in hardwoods like Mahogany, Ipé, etc. GRK has modified its innovative FIN/rim™ Head screw to include reverse threading under the head of the fastener. Based on extensive tests, GRK has found that the reverse thread helps the screw head disappear beneath the surface of the classic wood composite material, reducing or eliminating the dimple that sometimes appears when using the FIN/Trim™ screw. The reverse thread feature is available on RT/Composite™ Trim™ Head screws from 2" to 3”1/8 in length.

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